Karin's Country Handarbeiten - Art Craft Header Graphics

Actual Site:>>www.karinscountryhandarbeiten.com>>Road-Map (Sitemap & Accesskeys)


Decoration for any time

Spring, summer, fall or winter, I offer versatile decorations which put a different outlook on your home, enriching it in an individual style.

You can click through
the pictures or start
the slideshow with the
lower menu when
aiming over this area

Here's the road-map to my store:
Karin's Countryhandarbeiten.

Opening-Hours & Craft shows: Thursday-Friday 11:00 to 16:00 (or on request)
Karin's Countryhandarbeiten, Karin Fleming, Brückenstraße 2, Altenglan-Patersbach, Phone:O6381/6OO8474